Video gallery

First Day – 15th of November

Opening Session
PANEL - The Role of SSH Research in Addressing Europe's Challenges
PANEL - SSH Analysing Crises 1: Understanding Migration
PANEL - SSH Analysing Crises 2: Radical Ideologies and Extremism in Perspective
PANEL - The SSH Research in the Growth, Jobs and Policies Against Inequalities
PANEL - SSH and Democracy in Europe

Second Day – 16th of November

Roundtable discussion, Young SSH scientists: experiences, obstacles and challenges
Parallel session - SSH research in the growth, jobs and policies against inequalities
Parallel session - Migration and mobility
Parallel session - Democracy, justice and stability
Parallel session - Cultures, values, beliefs, motivations and citizenship
Parallel session - Prospects of SSH research
Conclusions - The new Agenda for SSH research in Europe
Closing Plenary